For guests traveling with their canine companions

Dog-friendly Floor
Consent Forms


We ask all guests staying with their pet(s) to complete the following

01Read the User Agreement and Accommodation Waiver.
02Prepare proof of vaccination
(at minimum 5-in-1 viral and rabies).
*These are needed each time you stay, so even if you have provided them before while staying with us, we will need to see them again. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
03Fill out and send in consent form.
When staying with your pet(s)
Up to two pets may stay in one room. Stay fees are assessed per night per pet; the first pet's accommodation is free, the second 2,200 yen (tax incl.).Guests bringing pets must sign our user agreement as well as the accommodation waiver, then fill out the necessary information in the consent form as well as upload images of vaccination records (at minimum 5-in-1 viral, rabies).If these steps are not completed, pets will be unable to stay with us, so we thank you for your cooperation.
If these steps are not completed, pets will be unable to stay with us, so we thank you for your cooperation.

Click here
if sending documents by fax

User Agreement,
Accommodation Waiver
and Consent Form

  • The size and breed of the dog must meet conditions (1) and (2) and not fall under (3).

    (1) Weight of 15kg or less
    (2) Height up to 50cm (height from the ground to the back when standing)
    (3) Breeds of dogs that cannot be accommodated

    Please understand that the following breeds of dogs are not allowed to stay at the hotel for reasons of safety for both our guests and our facilities. In addition to the above, we reserve the right to refuse any breed of dog that may be a hindrance to other guests or cause harm to them. The list may be updated in the future.

    Tosa Dog, Akita, and other dog-fighting breeds
    Bull Terrier, Mastiff, and others in the same breed family
    Rottweiler, Chow Chow, Irish Wolfhound, Dogo Argentino, Bedlington Terrier, Beauceron, Bouvier de Flandres, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Grand Bleu de Gascogne, Billy, Briard, Bergamasco, American Staffordshire Terrier, etc.
  • Must be vaccinated for rabies and have received a mixed viral vaccination (minimum 5-in-1) within a year, but at least 2 weeks prior to the date of stay.
  • Please submit in advance a photograph or scanned copy of the rabies vaccination certificate (valid within the stay dates) and the vaccination certificate for a combination of five or more vaccines (valid for more than two weeks but less than one year from the date of vaccination).
  • Must be toilet-trained for indoors.
  • Must be trained so as not to cause problems for other guests, including: being comfortable sleeping in a crate; not barking excessively; won't run away, get loose or cause destruction of hotel property.
  • Only up to two dogs per room will be permitted.
  • Must not be currently under treatment for illness or injury.
  • Must be at least four months old.
  • Must have flea and tick prevention.
  • For female dogs, must not be pregnant or in their heat cycle (from the onset of estrus signs to 4 weeks after )
  • Must not display aggressive behavior to people or other dogs.
  • Refrain from bathing dogs in shower stalls or indoor/outdoor bath tubs.
  • Do not put dogs on or inside beds.
  • Must clean dogs' feet after taking walks or going out.
  • When leaving rooms for going out or for meals, or when sleeping, dogs must be crated for safety.
  • Do not leave dogs alone in the room during cleaning times.
  • When staff enter rooms, whether guests are present or not, dogs must be put into crates for safety.
    (If this condition is not followed, staff will not be able to clean, turn down bedding, or bring items into the guest rooms.)
  • Guests agree to assume financial responsibility for any damages or injuries caused by pets to the hotel building, furniture, appliances, fixtures, greenery, etc. and take precautions to prevent the same. If any pet causes physical harm or damage to other guests or their property, or causes any accident, the hotel will not be responsible in any way.
  • Do not brush dogs inside guest rooms; if necessary, use room terraces or the dog park. Put all fur/hair into wastebaskets.
  • Let dogs toilet on provided toilet pads or take them outside.
  • If a dog has a toilet accident, quickly and thoroughly clean up after it. If this happens in a public area, owners must inform the closest member of staff.
  • When going out with your dog, please take care with cars in the area. Make sure to keep pets firmly secured by leash so as not to invite problems with other guests or members of the community. Please bring back any solid waste and throw it away in the bin provided in the dog park.
  • Please do not bring dogs outside of the dog-friendly areas (restaurants, spa, lounge, main elevators, etc.)
  • If your pet falls ill, we have contact information for nearby veterinary services.
  • Feel free to bring dog food, brushes, toys, bedding etc. your pet normally uses for their comfort.